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Travian Automator is free bot that runs in the background giving you more time to concentrate on the best parts of Travian.

What does it do? The Bot runs in the background doing all the boring stuff like upgrading selected buildings, supplies resources to your starving armies and gathers essential resources to help construct your buildings.

Quick Start

You need Java to run this software.

download TraviAut Plus

(latest version is 20150724.0-tap)

Get started in 3 easy steps

1. Click "settings" and fill in your User Agent. You can get your User Agent here

2. Click "login" and fill in your account info in the following format: username password

If you have a space in password, use any character as a separator:
!!user name!pass word

You can enter multiple accounts one per line.

3. Close the dialog, it will download the info about your villages automatically. Next time just press "Connect".